
Our Approach

Why I'm Here

It's no fun to be the picky eater in the bunch, but those of us with food or other sensitivities know how important it is to stay vigilant about ... everything.

Our Story

This Fussy Life

The goal of this site is to provide quick tips for self-care and to help the loved ones of sensitive folks to understand us and laugh with us at ourselves.

Meet the Team

It's just me and my pups at this point... Would love additional contributors.  Please inquire if interested.


Caitlin Everett

Soy Sensitive Pescatarian & Creative Technologist

I like making stuff and have backgrounds in tech & art.


Pasqua Everett-Molek

Chicken-Allergic Pitbull w/ Unknown Neurological Issues

We call him the Peach-O.  He hates the vet, but he loves a long walk on the beach.


Millie Everett-Molek

CFO - Sensitive to the Leptosporosis Vaccine

Otherwise, she's pretty hearty.

Working on a Newsletter

If you are interested in recieving a semi-regular email, eventually, as content begins to develop... please go ahead and sign up over yonder.